SDB, HUBZone, WBE, MBE Certified Company


technology solutions
Enterprise Solutions » Server Virtualization

In the “Ideal”World . . . your technology partner can help you transform your Data Center and server environments.

Ideal System Solutions (ISSI) is your strategic partner in server virtualization projects. ISSI can help to achieve a significant consolidation of data center platforms, as well as a reduction in labor and facilities costs. Our experienced engineers are adept at customizing an appropriate approach which combines the best elements of consolidation, virtualization, and hardware-based blade technology.
By utilizing virtualization technologies your organization can minimize its costs and maximize its resources, however, properly understanding what can be virtualized and where…can be an enormous task. By leveraging the use of monitoring and analysis tools like CiRBA™, we can assess your server environment and recommend a solution that fits existing and/or new hardware configurations.


  • Increased ROI
  • Decreased TCO
  • Consolidated & more reliable and stable server environment
  • Less administration

Let ISSI perform an assessment that provides a thorough analysis of your server environment and an available set of ROI and operational costing options.

One Call, One Provider, One-Up On The Competition

To learn more about our Server Virtualization services please contact us or call 763-255-1777